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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Some Wounds (a new poem)

Some Wounds

There are some wounds that never heal
No amount of tending pretending
Careful concentrated concern
Nor Positive neglect release of regret
Some sores nothing erases nothing cures

Bandages don’t hide scars refuse to fade
Some wounds are for life
Testimony to strife tell on us
Broadcast to the world
Accusations in the flesh
Let everybody know what got left
What was undone what mourning
Song was sung what can’t be forgot
What and who after all we have become

There are some wounds
Red gashes of pain
raised black and brown
Welts remain some scars
That grow larger not smaller
With  time.

Some wounds that mark us
Stain the soul, set one forever apart
Cause people to stare and start
Some wounds that can’t be glanced at
Never become commonplace, happenstance
Never get replaced by glory funny stories
The champion’s parade
Never become red badges of courage.

And these are the wounds
Nobody talks about
Everybody sees
These are the wounds nobody wants
Everybody runs from nobody seeks
Everybody shuns

Which is why
These are the wounds that never heal
We refuse to believe they’re even real
It seems easier somehow
Never mind the screaming bleeding tirades
In the end we just refuse
to be marked
By something we can’t change rearrange
Overcome unravel or defeat

There are some wounds that never heal
Wounds that are for life
Testimony to strife
Evidence in the flesh
Let everybody know what succumbed/what died
What did and didn’t survive
What and who after all we have become

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