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Sunday, February 2, 2020

As I continue to hike all over southern California training for my #hermosasupervivencia #caminodesantiago pilgrimage, I am saddened by what happened in our Senate this week. It appears as if we may have witnessed the end of our democratic republic as we now have a #dictator in office. There are no checks and balances anymore and the Senate is not responsive to the will of the people they were elected to represent. This has never happens in our country. Whatever we may have thought about past presidents we always knew they were impeachable. We always knew we could vote them out of office. We always knew we could prevent them from committing crimes. We always knew we were a democracy. We don’t know this anymore .I am not sure what we still know for sure. As a spiritual person I am asking what I can do, what should I do? What is my role in all this? When this man got into office I asked my guides why this happened? They have been talking to me for years about the shift in consciousness and about my role in helping the planet to shift. How, I asked, could the election of a racist sexual predator be consistent with a shift in consciousness? The answer I got four years ago surprised me. The guides said even this was a good thing. They said that this event was going to galvanize people to come together and to work across differences. Survivable was going to compel people to change for the better. It’s true that people do tend to become better versions of themselves during natural and national disasters. We become kinder and more generous. We unite and we cooperate. We tend to respond to devastation with love. Have we done that as a nation? I saw us do that in the wake of the muslim ban when thousands of us came together occupied the airports. I saw us do that in the wake of the detention of immigrants at the border. Now they are going after #womensrights. Will we ban together again? And will our love prevail in this climate of hate? Recently when I asked my guides what to do they told me to work faster uniting all the light 💡 workers and starting my school. They said people working on the shift have to work faster. For my part, I am speeding up. Are you?