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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Lucky me- I spent Valentine’s day at the beach with my sisterbrother Marlon. We listened to the waves and talked about twospiritedness, ancestors, Seminole history, and healing. He did most of the talking since I lost my voice in San Francisco( better than losing one’s heart!) It was good to listen. It was good to be with an old friend. We had an instant connection when we met ten years ago at a Two Spirit Gathering in Colorado. The older I get the more I have come to cherish people who get me whether or not I/we talk. Having a couple days of not working or talking has been good for me. Sometimes little sicknesses come along to knock us off our feet so we can take a break from the world and reset. I feel so grounded now. While lying in bed these last three days, I created a whole new movement for my one person show! And I got to binge watch the new WOC version of Charmed! LOL. Black, Latina, Queer, feminist witches? It doesn’t get better than that! Then too, the extra time little breaks afford always make for longer stronger meditations and better dream recall. I DO miss my hiking however. Training for the #Camino has been so much fun. But even training benefits from breaks. And anything that gets me to the beach is a good thing! So thank you to Marlon for visiting. I always take my guests to the beach because that really is the whole point of LA as far as I am concerned. I am always a better person after I spend some time at the beach. I think everyone is. When is the last time you went to the beach?

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