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Saturday, February 8, 2020

Last night in Oakland we had fun working with candles to vision the future. We talked about fire-gazing in different cultures, did an exercise and then did a visioning journey. Lots of women came out on this winter night to be in community and share sacred space. Lots of healing happened. It was a beautiful cere-class! This was my 15th month coming to the Bay Area to run my women of color medicine series. In December I just completed my first Women of Color Medicine Apprenticeship Program. Next month I will begin the next cohort of apprentices. So exciting! The purpose of this work is to help women of color to develop their gifts and do self-healing so that they can use their gifts to heal each other and remake the world in our image. The future is female and when we draw on the power of our ancient traditions we as women have the power to overpower patriarchy and dismantle the corruption of the current power structures. Once we do that we can bring peace and unity to the planet, dissolving all forms of separation, and remember who we truly are as beings of light! I am doing this lightworker work all over California. Many other medicine people are doing this work all over the planet. We are forming a critical mass and we are raising the vibration of the planet. 2020 started out in a bad way with the loss of our republic but I know that if all the medicine women/light workers/burkas/hoodoo women come together we can heal this country and this world. The world needs us, our communities need us, and we are ready! What are you doing to spread the light? Please share your work in the comments #womenofcolor #brujasdeinstagram #hoodoos #womenofcolormedicineseries #lightworkersoftheworld #nativewomen